Thursday, 21 January 2016

So, what's all this then?

Welcome to the Northern Heresy! We are a smallish, but growing group of people who are trying our hand at Forgeworld's Horus Heresy miniatures wargames in our home of Trondheim, Norway. Now that our little circle is growing, we decided it was high time to get a blog through which to advertise our upcoming tournaments, leagues and campaigns.
Posting a few images here and there, writing the odd bit of fluff or including some tips and battle reports seemed like a good way to keep us motivated through the dry spells that all humans eventually suffer (bring on the bionics! Suffer not the weakness of the flesh!).

So, we sincerely hope that you'll enjoy reading our inane musings, judging our paintjobs harshly, rolling your eyes at our amateurish tournament formats and slap your foreheads in frustration at the horrid picture quality and poorly written battle reports. I know, I'm not any good at this false humility crap. We're the best, objectively speaking.

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