Friday, 22 January 2016


I’m O, one of the founding fathers of this, soon to be, great blog. I drank the cup of temptation that is Warhammer 40k just two years ago, so I’m relatively new to the hobby. In this time I have collected a decent Imperial Guard force and a contingent of Space Wolves in drop pods.

I found out, after a year or so, that the competitive meta of 40k was not for me. I’ve never been much of a power gamer in anything, but it would have been ok if the codices were a bit more balanced. I’m not going to rant on about 40k, but the competitive, unbalanced power play was what brought me into Forge World’s Horus Heresy, that and the fact that my friends had the same feeling about 40k.

As I am relatively new to the whole setting of the Warhammer universe, I did not know which faction to collect. Should I use my guardsmen as militia or solar auxilia? Should I read some novels, set in the Heresy? The answer was pretty simple: I want to make my own legion.

My contribution to this blog will be to explain how the process of making my legion was. I hope that you can use some of the things I have learnt, to make your own. I am still pretty far from completing the more detailed parts of the fluff, so you will also read about my plans and dreams for the future.

May He-Who’s-Horns-Pierceth-The-Shadow-Of-Blight keep you.
-        - O

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