One of my two Leviathan dreads (built from a Dreadknight and Dreadnought). |
Mr. P in the house. First of I would say that i'm both excited and terrified of this new hobby venture in to the blog-world! And I feel stoked to be part of this gang of bloggers. :)
Started with Warhammer 16 years ago, took a 10 year break from the hobby and came back in with the arrival of my son in 2013. My last project in 2003 was a larger Tau Empire force which got shelved and brought back into the light again (not much had changed with the Tau in all that time).
Since coming back to the hobby I have been heavily involved in the competitive scene in Norway and participate in most of the major events (with some mixed results). The 40k rule set is as it is and that is just something that you have to accept. I have come to enjoy every part of the hobby, both casual and competitive play, and just can't get enough.
My part of this blog will be mostly build/paint and gaming oriented. For 2016 I have a couple of goals, first of my newly started Blood Angels force will be to get them more 30k modified rather than 40k related.
Secondly I will revise a set of new terrain for my desert wasteland FAT mat with the picture below as my initial inspiration. Got one set 96% finished for my other FAT mat (Urban city), and I plan to showcase that in another installment.
My old table, still got the pieces. |
Until next time!
Mr. P out.
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